Allergy Guidelines
Guidelines for Supporting Children with Life-Threatening Allergies
If your child has a life-threatening allergy, please complete an Allergy Action Plan. This must be signed by a parent/guardian and physician to alert the school of life-threatening allergies and response information. You will note that a current picture of your child is requested to share with appopriate school personnel.
The Allergy Action Plan will be kept in the classroom and a copy placed in the substitute folder.
In the school cafeterias, prepackaged foods offered for sale may contain nuts. A table(s) that is free of nut products will be established according to student need (K-8). The "nut free" table(s) will be wiped with a cloth after each lunch session. “Point of Sale” PIN pads will be cleaned between lunch periods.
Training on the proper use of the EpiPen will be offered to all staff.
For students with life threatening allergies, teachers, cafeteria and transportation staff will be notified.