Nutrition Services
Free and Reduced form
Here at Revere, we are proud to be a part of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). In addition to meeting all guidelines of the NSLP, we pride ourselves on creating menus for your children that are appealing, delicious and nutritious!
Finding Your Menu
You can find a link to each school’s menu, right here on Revere’s website. In addition, you can find out what your school is serving for lunch today, this week or this month right on your phone with the My School Menus app! If you are a parent who is interested in what your child eats away from home, you will be happy to know you can view all of the nutritional information, and other details, for all meals. This information is right at your fingertips! These tools also assist in the management of food allergies by allowing you to filter menu items by selected allergens. Download the app for FREE!
All of our schools are "peanut aware." We do not process any nut containing items; however, we do have pre-packaged items with nuts, traces of nuts, or manufactured in the same plant as nuts. If your child is allergic to nuts of any kind, please make sure they read the nutrition label or speak to a cafeteria staff member if they have questions.
Managing Your Child's Lunch Account
Please create an account or sign-in at PaySchools Central to manage your child’s lunch account. It is important to keep your child’s lunch account fully funded at all times.
- Richfield Elementary: $2.75
- Bath Elementary: $2.75
- Revere Middle School: $3.00
- Revere High School: $3.00-$3.25
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Aaron Gnap
School Nutrition Consultant
Aaron Gnap
Aaron graduated from Coventry High School where he attended the Portage Lakes Career Center Majoring in Culinary Arts. He then went to Johnson & Wales University and Graduated with a Degree in Culinary Arts in 2001. From there he moved to Orlando, Florida and was a Chef at Disney World working in the Magic Kingdom and the Wilderness Lodge. He then moved to Muncie, Indiana and worked as a chef at Ball State University. Most recently he was a Head Chef/Food Service Manager for Buehlers Fresh Foods.
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