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Revere History
Vision of a Minuteman
Creates Solutions
Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset
Embodies Confidence & Empathy
Perseveres & Adapts
Engages with Purpose
Communicates Truth
Strategic Plan
Full Strategic Plan
Timeline - FY23
Timeline - FY24
District Leadership Team
DLT Meeting Dates
Current School Growth Plans
Archived School Growth Plans
District Profile
State of the Schools
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Revere Local Schools Map
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Meeting Dates/Times
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Videos
State of the Schools
(opens in new window/tab)
Superintendent's Office
District Organizational Chart
Archived Minutemen Monthly Articles
Treasurer's Office Staff
Monthly Financial Reports
Annual Financial Statements
Five Year Forecasts
PaySchools Central
Transparency in Coverage Rule
Audit Search
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Assistant Superintendent
Facility Use
Revere Reporter
The Flyer Place
Revere Logo Branding Guide
Contact Us
Snow Day/Calamity Policy
Human Resources
Employment Opportunities
Substitute Teaching
New Staff Guides
OAPSE Agreement 2022-2025
(opens in new window/tab)
REA Agreement 2022-2025
(opens in new window/tab)
Job Calendars
Nutrition Services
(opens in new window/tab)
Student Services
State of Ohio Links
Scholarship Programs for Students with Disabilities
Speech Language Pathology
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Health Services
When to stay home
School Illness Information
Medication Policy
(opens in new window/tab)
Allergy Guidelines
Health Forms
Immunization Updates
MRSA Information
(opens in new window/tab)
Helpful Links
Anti-Harassment / Bullying Prevention
Teaching and Learning
DEW District Report Card
(opens in new window/tab)
Curriculum Review Cycle
Gifted Education
Math Pathways
Early Literacy Assessments
Child Protection Curriculum
Technology Updates
Technology Plan
(opens in new window/tab)
2024 Status
2024 Board Update
(opens in new window/tab)
2023 Status
(opens in new window/tab)
2023 Board Update
(opens in new window/tab)
Staff Password Reset
(opens in new window/tab)
2021 Technology & Learning Survey
2022 1:1 Device Review
Student Data Privacy
Bus Routes
Transportation Policies
Building Administration
Absence Management
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
Code of Professional Conduct
(opens in new window/tab)
Employee Self Service (Kiosk)
(opens in new window/tab)
Gifts, Grants, and Donations
(opens in new window/tab)
LPDC Forms
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
Naviance Teacher
(opens in new window/tab)
OAPSE Agreement
(opens in new window/tab)
Professional Leave Request
(opens in new window/tab)
Progress Book
(opens in new window/tab)
ProgressBook Resources
Resident Educator
Resident Educator FAQs
Resident Educator Mentor Information
Resident Educator Mentee Information
REA Agreement
(opens in new window/tab)
SAC Minutes
(opens in new window/tab)
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
Staff Password Reset
Vector Staff Training
(opens in new window/tab)
District Calendar 24-25
(opens in new window/tab)
District Calendar 25-26
Final Forms
(opens in new window/tab)
Flyer Place
(opens in new window/tab)
Nutrition Services
(opens in new window/tab)
Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Where to get local help
What to do if I think my child may be using
(opens in new window/tab)
Why Do Kids Try Alcohol
(opens in new window/tab)
Focus On Mental Health-KNOW!Parents Tips
Mental Health
How does stress effect my child's risk of using drugs?
(opens in new window/tab)
Casey's story of an accidental heroin overdose
(opens in new window/tab)
Resources for Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers
(opens in new window/tab)
Addiction Resources
Life Success For Teens
PaySchools Central
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ProgressBook Parent Access
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Student Registration
Final Forms
(opens in new window/tab)
Summit County Auditor
Report Non-Resident Students
Language Assistance Plan
Snow / Calamity Days
Health Services
RHS Commencement Programs
Richfield Miscellaneous Documents
Hillcrest Miscellaneous Documents
Revere Middle School (Eastview) Miscellaneous Documents
RHS Yearbooks
BHS Yearbook (Hi-Spy)
Revere High School History
Bath Miscellaneous Documents
BHS Commencement Programs
Bath School History
RHS Class Photos
Hillcrest School History
Class Histories of Revere High School
Richfield School History
RHS Class Scrapbooks
Revere-Copley Rivalry
Revere Middle School (Eastview) History
RHS Miscellaneous Documents
RAA: Scholarship
Richfield Schools (Pre-Revere)
Bath Schools (Pre-Revere)
Revere Miscellaneous Documents
Hall of Fame Media Articles
Athletic Hall of Fame Media Articles
Revere Local Schools History
Facility Use
(opens in new window/tab)
Gifts, Grants, and Donations
(opens in new window/tab)
Partner Organizations
School Safety & Security
Safer Ohio School Tip Line
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Richfield Elementary
Bath Elementary
Middle School
High School
District Home
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Revere Local Schools
This is Revere!
Safer Ohio School Tip Line
Open Search
About Us
Revere History
Vision of a Minuteman
Strategic Plan
District Leadership Team
District Profile
State of the Schools
Contact Us
Board of Education
Assistant Superintendent
Human Resources
Nutrition Services
Student Services
Teaching and Learning
Building Administration
Absence Management
(opens in new window/tab)
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Code of Professional Conduct
(opens in new window/tab)
Employee Self Service (Kiosk)
(opens in new window/tab)
Gifts, Grants, and Donations
(opens in new window/tab)
LPDC Forms
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
Naviance Teacher
(opens in new window/tab)
OAPSE Agreement
(opens in new window/tab)
Professional Leave Request
(opens in new window/tab)
Progress Book
(opens in new window/tab)
ProgressBook Resources
Resident Educator
REA Agreement
(opens in new window/tab)
SAC Minutes
(opens in new window/tab)
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
Staff Password Reset
Vector Staff Training
(opens in new window/tab)
District Calendar 24-25
(opens in new window/tab)
District Calendar 25-26
Final Forms
(opens in new window/tab)
Flyer Place
(opens in new window/tab)
Nutrition Services
(opens in new window/tab)
Mental Health & Substance Abuse
PaySchools Central
(opens in new window/tab)
ProgressBook Parent Access
(opens in new window/tab)
Student Registration
Snow / Calamity Days
Health Services
Facility Use
(opens in new window/tab)
Gifts, Grants, and Donations
(opens in new window/tab)
Partner Organizations
School Safety & Security
In This Section
Board of Education
Board Policy
(opens in new window/tab)
Meeting Dates/Times
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Videos
State of the Schools
(opens in new window/tab)
Superintendent's Office
District Organizational Chart
Archived Minutemen Monthly Articles
Treasurer's Office Staff
Monthly Financial Reports
Annual Financial Statements
Five Year Forecasts
PaySchools Central
Transparency in Coverage Rule
Audit Search
(opens in new window/tab)
Assistant Superintendent
Facility Use
Revere Reporter
The Flyer Place
Revere Logo Branding Guide
Contact Us
Snow Day/Calamity Policy
Human Resources
Employment Opportunities
Substitute Teaching
New Staff Guides
OAPSE Agreement 2022-2025
(opens in new window/tab)
REA Agreement 2022-2025
(opens in new window/tab)
Job Calendars
Nutrition Services
(opens in new window/tab)
Student Services
State of Ohio Links
Scholarship Programs for Students with Disabilities
Speech Language Pathology
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Health Services
When to stay home
School Illness Information
Medication Policy
(opens in new window/tab)
Allergy Guidelines
Health Forms
Immunization Updates
MRSA Information
(opens in new window/tab)
Helpful Links
Anti-Harassment / Bullying Prevention
Teaching and Learning
DEW District Report Card
(opens in new window/tab)
Curriculum Review Cycle
Gifted Education
Math Pathways
Early Literacy Assessments
Child Protection Curriculum
Technology Updates
Technology Plan
(opens in new window/tab)
2024 Status
2024 Board Update
(opens in new window/tab)
2023 Status
(opens in new window/tab)
2023 Board Update
(opens in new window/tab)
Staff Password Reset
(opens in new window/tab)
2021 Technology & Learning Survey
2022 1:1 Device Review
Student Data Privacy
Bus Routes
Transportation Policies
Building Administration
Board of Education
Meeting Agendas
In This Section
Board of Education
Board Policy
(opens in new window/tab)
Meeting Dates/Times
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Videos
State of the Schools
(opens in new window/tab)
Superintendent's Office
District Organizational Chart
Archived Minutemen Monthly Articles
Treasurer's Office Staff
Monthly Financial Reports
Annual Financial Statements
Five Year Forecasts
PaySchools Central
Transparency in Coverage Rule
Audit Search
(opens in new window/tab)
Assistant Superintendent
Facility Use
Revere Reporter
The Flyer Place
Revere Logo Branding Guide
Contact Us
Snow Day/Calamity Policy
Human Resources
Employment Opportunities
Substitute Teaching
New Staff Guides
OAPSE Agreement 2022-2025
(opens in new window/tab)
REA Agreement 2022-2025
(opens in new window/tab)
Job Calendars
Nutrition Services
(opens in new window/tab)
Student Services
State of Ohio Links
Scholarship Programs for Students with Disabilities
Speech Language Pathology
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Health Services
When to stay home
School Illness Information
Medication Policy
(opens in new window/tab)
Allergy Guidelines
Health Forms
Immunization Updates
MRSA Information
(opens in new window/tab)
Helpful Links
Anti-Harassment / Bullying Prevention
Teaching and Learning
DEW District Report Card
(opens in new window/tab)
Curriculum Review Cycle
Gifted Education
Math Pathways
Early Literacy Assessments
Child Protection Curriculum
Technology Updates
Technology Plan
(opens in new window/tab)
2024 Status
2024 Board Update
(opens in new window/tab)
2023 Status
(opens in new window/tab)
2023 Board Update
(opens in new window/tab)
Staff Password Reset
(opens in new window/tab)
2021 Technology & Learning Survey
2022 1:1 Device Review
Student Data Privacy
Bus Routes
Transportation Policies
Building Administration
Meeting Agendas
2024 & 2025
2024 & 2025
Agenda and Attachments for 1-21-25 Regular January Meeting
Agenda for 1-13-25 Organizational Meeting / Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 12-10-24 Regular December Meeting
Agenda for 12-3-24 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 11-19-24 Regular November Meeting
Agenda for 11-12-24 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 10-15-24 Regular October Meeting
Agenda for 10-8-24 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 9-17-24 Regular September Meeting
Agenda for 9-10-24 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 8-27-24 Regular August Meeting
Agenda for 8-13-24 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 7-16-24 Regular July Meeting
Agenda for 7-9-24 Work Session
6.26.24 Special Board Meeting Agenda
Agenda and Attachments for 6-25-24 Regular June Meeting
Agenda for 6-18-24 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 5-21-24 Regular May Meeting
Agenda for 5-13-24 Work Session
4.23.24 Special Board Meeting Agenda
4.18.24 Special Board Meeting Agenda (part of the Community Forum)
Agenda and Attachments for 4-16-24 Regular April Meeting
Agenda for 4-9-24 Work Session
4.4.24 Special Board Meeting Agenda
3.28.24 Special Board Meeting Agenda
Agenda and Attachments for 3-19-24 Regular March Meeting
Agenda for 3-12-24 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 2-20-24 Regular February Meeting
Agenda for 2-13-24 Work Session
2.1.24 Special Board Meeting Agenda
1.29.24 Special Board Meeting Agenda
Agenda and Attachments for 1-16-24 Regular January Meeting
Organizational Meeting and Work Session 1-9-24
Agenda and Attachments for 12-12-23 Regular December Meeting
Agenda for 12-5-23 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 11-21-23 Regular November Meeting
Agenda for 11-14-23 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 10-17-23 Regular October Meeting
Agenda for the 10-10-23 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 9-19-23 Regular September Meeting
Agenda for the 9-12-23 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 8-15-23 Regular August Meeting
Agenda for the 8-8-23 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 7-18-23 Regular July Meeting
Agenda for the 7-11-23 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 6-27-23 Regular June Meeting
Agenda for the 6-20-23 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 5-24-23
Agenda and Attachments for 5-16-23 Regular May Meeting
Agenda for the 5-9-23 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 5-1-23
Agenda and Attachments for 4-18-23 Regular April Meeting
Agenda for the 4-11-23 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 3-21-23 Regular March Meeting
Agenda for the 3-14-23 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 3-13-23
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 3-9-23
Agenda and Attachments for 2-21-23 Regular February Meeting
Agenda for the 2-14-23 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 1-17-23 Regular January Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for Organizational Meeting and Work Session 1-10-23
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 1-9-23
Agenda and Attachments for 12-13-22 Regular December Meeting
Agenda for the 12-6-22 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 12-3-22
Agenda and Attachments for 11-15-22 Regular November Meeting
Agenda for the 11-8-22 Work Session
Addendum for 10-18-22 Regular Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 10-18-22 Regular October Meeting
Agenda for the 10-11-22 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 9-20-22 Regular September Meeting
Agenda for the 9-13-22 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 8-16-22 Regular August Meeting
Agenda for the 8-9-22 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 7-19-22 Regular July Meeting
Agenda for the 7-12-22 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 6-28-22 Regular June Meeting
Agenda for the 6-21-22 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 5-17-22 Regular May Meeting
Agenda for the 5-10-22 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 4-14-22 Regular April Meeting
Agenda for the 4-5-22 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 3-28-22
Agenda and Attachments for 3-15-22 Regular March Meeting
Agenda for the 3-8-22 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 2-15-22 Regular February Meeting
Agenda for the 2-8-22 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 1-18-22 Regular January Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for Organizational Mtg and Work Session 1-11-22
Agenda and Attachments for 12-14-21 Regular December Meeting
Agenda for 12-7-21 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 11-16-21 Regular November Meeting
Agenda & Attachments for 11-9-21 Work Session
Agenda for 10-26-21 Emergency Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 10-19-21 Regular October Meeting
Agenda for 10-12-21 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 9-14-21 Regular September Meeting
Agenda for 9-7-21 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 8-23-21 Regular August Meeting
Agenda for the August 10, 2021 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 7-20-21 Regular July Meeting
Agenda for 7-13-21 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 7-9-21
REVISED Agenda and Attachments for 6-22-21 Regular BOE Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 6-22-21 Regular June Meeting
Addendum to 6-15-21 Work Session Agenda
Agenda for the June 15, 2021 Work Session
Addendum for 5-24-21 Special Meeting
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 5-24-21
REVISED Agenda for 5-18-21 Regular BOE Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 5-14-21 Regular May Meeting
Agenda for 5-11-21 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 5-10-21
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 5-1-21
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 4-28-21
Addendum for 4-20-21 Regular Meeting
REVISED Agenda for 4-20-21 Regular BOE Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 4-20-21 Regular April Meeting
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 4-19-21
Addendum to 4-13-21 Work Session Agenda
Agenda for 4-13-21 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 4-5-21
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 3-23-21
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 3-18-21
Agenda and Attachments for 3-16-21 Regular March Meeting
Agenda for 3-9-21 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 2-23-21
Zoom Link for 2/22/21 Special Meeting - Meeting has been moved to virtual
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 2-22-21
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 2-18-21
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 2-17-21
Zoom Link for 2/16/21 Regular BOE Meeting - Meeting is virtual due to inclement weather
Agenda and Attachments for 2-16-21 Regular February Meeting *Meeting will be virtual via Zoom
Agenda for 2-9-21 Work Session
Addendum to 1-19-21 Regular January BOE Meeting Agenda
Agenda and Attachments for 1-19-21 Regular January Meeting
REVISED (as of 1/12/21) Agenda and attachments for Organizational Mtg and Work Session 1-12-21
Addendum for 1-12-21 Organizational Meeting
REVISED Agenda and attachments for Organizational Mtg and Work Session 1-12-21
Agenda and attachments for Organizational Mtg and Work Session 1-12-21
Addendum for 12-15-20 Regular Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 12-15-20 Regular December Meeting
Agenda for 12-8-20 Work Session
Agenda and Zoom Link for the Special Meeting on 12-7-20
Addendum for 11-17-20 Regular Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 11-17-20 Regular November Meeting
Agenda for 11-10-20 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 11-2-20
Addendum for 10-20-20 Regular Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 10-20-20 Regular October Meeting
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 10-19-20
Agenda & Attachments for 10-13-20 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 9-21-20
Addendum for 9-15-20 Regular Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for Regular September 9-15-20 Meeting
Agenda for 9-8-20 Work Session
Addendum for 8-18-20 Regular Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for Regular August 8-18-20 Meeting
REVISED Attachment B-2 for 8/11/20 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 8-11-20 Work Session / IN PERSON (will not be Zoomed)
REVISED Agenda and Attachments for the 7-21-20 BOE Meeting
Instructions to join the ZOOM BOE Meeting for 7-21-20
Agenda and Attachments for 7-21-20 Regular July Meeting
REVISED Agenda for 7-14-20 Work Session
Instructions to join the ZOOM Work Session for 7-14-20
Agenda for 7-14-20 Work Session
Addendum for 6-30-20 Regular Meeting
Instructions to join the ZOOM BOE Meeting for 6-30-20
Agenda and Attachments for 6-30-20 Regular June Mtg.
REVISED Attachment T-1 for 6-16-20
Instructions to join the ZOOM Work Session for 6-16-20
Agenda and Attachments for 6-16-20 Work Session
Zoom Link for 6-11-20 Special Meeting
REVISED Agenda for 6-11-20 Special Mtg TIME CHANGE
Agenda for Special Meeting 6-11-20
Zoom Link for 5-19-20 BOE Mtg
Attachments T-3 through Attachment 3 for 5-19-20 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments T-1 through T-2 for 5-19-20 BOE Mtg
To join the ZOOM meeting for 5-12-20.....instructions
REVISED AGENDA for 5-12-20 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for the 5-12-20 Work Session
Updated revised Agenda for 4-21-20
REVISED Attachment 4 for 4-21-20
REVISED Attachment 1 for 4-21-20
Zoom Invitation for 4-21-20
Attachment 3 through final attachment for 4-21-20
Agenda through Attachment 2 for 4-21-20 Zoom Mtg
To join the ZOOM meeting for 4-14-20.....instructions
Agenda and Attachment for the April 14, 2020 Work Session via Zoom
Special Meeting of the BOE - All Executive Session - No Action - virtual meeting via Zoom
Corrected Info for 3-17-20 MEETING IS BY ZOOM ONLY - not onsite
REVISED Agenda and Attachments for the 3-17-20 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular March Mtg 3-17-20
Agenda for the March Work Session 3-10-20
Addendum with attachment for 2-25-20 Regular February BOE Mtg
Attachment T-10 for 2-25-20
Attachment T-6 through Attachment 2 for 2-25-20 BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachments through T-5 for 2-25-20 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the 2-10-20 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for Regular January Mtg 1-21-20
Agenda and attachments for Organizational Mtg and Work Session 1-14-20
Attachments 4 through 5 for 12-17-19
Agenda and Attachments T-1 through Attachment 3 for 12-17-19
Agenda and attachment for the Work Session 12-10-19
Attachment T-6 through Attachment 2 for 11-19-19 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-5 Part 2 Second Section for 11-19-19 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-5 Part 2 Section 1 for 11-19-19 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachment T-1 through T-5 Part 1 for 11-19-19 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Work Session 11-12-19
REVISED Agenda for the 10-15-19 BOE Regular Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 10-15-19 Regular October Mtg
Agenda for the Work Session 10-8-19
REVISED Agenda for 9-17-19 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular September BOE Mtg 9--17-19
REVISED Agenda for the 9-10-19 Work Session
Agenda for the September Work Session 9-10-19
Addendum for the 8-20-19 Mtg
Agenda for the Regular BOE Mtg 8-20-19
Addendum for the 8-13-19 BOE Work Session
Agenda for the Work Session 8-13-19
SECOND REVISION to Agenda for 7-16-19 BOE Mtg
REVISED Agenda for 7-16-19 Regular July BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachment for Records Commission Mtg - After Regular July BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 7-16-19 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for Work Session 7-9-19
Superintendent Attachments for 6-25-19 BOE mtg - Part 2 of 2
Agenda and Treasurer Attachments for 6-25-19 BOE Mtg - Part 1 of 2
Agenda for the Special Meeting on 6-19-19
Agenda for the Work Session 6-11-19
Agenda for the Special Meeting 5-28-19
Agenda and Attachments for 5-21-19 Regular May Mtg - 5 of 5
Agenda and Attachments for 5-21-19 Regular May Mtg - 4 of 5
Agenda and Attachments for 5-21-19 Regular May Mtg - 3 of 5
Agenda and Attachments for 5-21-19 Regular May Mtg - 2 of 5
Agenda and Attachments for 5-21-19 Regular May Mtg - 1 of 5
Agenda for the Work Session 5-14-19
Agenda for the Special Meeting 5/2/19
Addendum and Attachment for the 4-17-19 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 4-16-19 Regular April BOE Mtg
REVISED Agenda for 4-9-19 Work Session
Agenda for the 4-9-19 Work Session
Treasurers Attachments for 3-19-19 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the 3-19-19 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachment for 3-12-19 Work Session
REVISED Agenda for 2-26-19 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-9 through Attachment 5 for 2-26-19
Attachment T-7 and attachment T-8 for 2-26-19
Agenda and Attachment T-1 through T-6 for 2-26-19
Agenda for the February Work Session 2-5-19
Agenda and Attachments for 1-15-19 Regular January BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 1-8-19 Organizational Mtg and Work Session
Addendum and Attachments for 12-18-18 BOE Mtg
REVISED AGENDA for 12-18-18
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular December Meeting 12-18-18
Agenda for the Work Session 12/11/18
Agenda and Attachments for the 11-20-18 Regular November BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Work Session 11-13-18
Agenda and Attachments for 10-15-18 BOE Meeting
Finance Committee Meeting
Agenda for the Work Session 10-9-18
Agenda and Attachments for 9-18-18 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the 9-11-18 Work Session
Agenda for the 8-21-18 BOE Meeting
Agenda for the 8-14-18 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 7-24-18 Regular July Mtg
REVISED Attachment T-7 for 6-26-18 BOE Mtg
REVISED Attachment T-2 for 6-26-18 BOE Mtg
Addendum for 6-26-18 BOE Mtg
Attachments 1 through 17 for 6-26-18 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments T-1 through T-10 for 6-26-18 BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachments for the Work Session 6-12-18
Agenda for the Special Meeting 5-25-18 (no action)
Attachments 1 through 10 for 5-15-18
Attachments T-7 through T-8 for 5-15-18
Agenda and Attachments T-1 through T-6 for 5-15-18 Regular Mtg (3 entries due to size)
Agenda for the 5-8-18 Work Session
REVISED agenda for 4-30-18
Agenda for 4-30-18 BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachment for 4-26-18 BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachments for the regular April meeting 4/17/18
Agenda for Work Session 4-10-18
Agenda and attachments for 3-13-18
Agenda for the March Work Session 3-6-18
REVISED Agenda and Attachments for 2-20-18 BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachments for the Regular February mtg on 2-20-18
Agenda for the February Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for January 16, 2018 Regular Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for Organizational Meeting and Work Session 1-10-18
REVISED Attachment T-8 for 12-19-17
Agenda and attachments for the regular December meeting 12-19-17
Agenda for the December Work Session 12-12-17
Agenda and Attachments for the 11-21-17 Regular November BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Work Session 11-7-17
Agenda for Emergency Special Mtg 10-24-17
Attachment T-4 for 10-17-17
Attachment T-3 for 10-17-17
REVISED Attachment 1 for 10-17-17
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular October Meeting 10-17-17
Agenda for Work Session of 10-10-17
Agenda and Attachments for Regular BOE Mtg 9-19-17
REVISED agenda for the 8-29-17 BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachments for 8/29/17 Special BOE Mtg
Agenda for the 8-22-17 Special BOE Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for 8-15-17 Regular August BOE Meeting
Revised Agenda and both attachments for 8-1-17 Work Session
Agenda and Attachment for the 8-1-17 BOE Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for the July 18, 2017 Regular Mtg
Agenda for the July Work Session 7-11-17
Attachment T-9 through Attachment 12 for 6-27-17 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments T-1 through T-8 for 6-27-17 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Special Mtg 6-16-17
Agenda for the Work Session 6-13-17
Agenda for the Special Meeting 6-8-17
REVISED agenda for 5-16-17 BOE Mtg (1 item removed from Treasurer's portion)
Attachment 9
Attachment 4 through Attachment 11 for 5-16-17 BOE Mtg
Attachments T-1 through Attachment 3 for 5-16-17 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Regular May Meeting 5-16-17
Agenda for 5-9-17 Work Session
Attachment 1 for 4-18-17 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular April BOE Mtg 4-18-17
Agenda for the Work Session 4-11-17
Agenda for Special Mtg 4-4-17
Agenda and Attachments for the 3-21-17 Regular March BOE Mtg.
Agenda for the Special Meeting 3-14-17
Agenda for the Work Session 3-7-17
Agenda and Attachments for the 2-21-17 Regular February BOE Mtg
Agenda for the 2-7-17 BOE Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular January Mtg 1-17-17
REVISED Agenda for 1-10-17 Organizational Mtg and Work Session (added Election of Pres Pro Tem)
Agenda for an Emergency Meeting 1-9-17 / No Action
Agenda and Attachments for the Organizational Meeting and Work Session on 1-10-2017
Revere Board Agenda for Emergency Meeting 1-5-17 4:30pm
Agenda for POSSIBLE BOE Quorum at post Bond Planning Meeting today
Agenda and Attachments for 12-20-16
Agenda for the Work Session 12-13-16 P.M.
Agenda for the Special Meeting A.M. 12-13-16
Agenda for the Work Session - Site Visit 12-6-16 (Tuesday morning)
Agenda for a Work Session 12-6-16 (Tuesday evening)
Agenda for Work Session 11-29-16
Agenda and Attachments for 11-22-16 Regular Meeting
Agenda for the 11-8-16 work Session
Attachment T-9A for 10-18-16
Agenda and Attachments for 10-18-16 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachment for 10-11-16 Work Session
Revised Attachment T-5
Attachment A-1 for Addendum for 9-20-16 BOE Mtg
Addendum for 9-20-16 BOE Mtg
REVISED Attachment 3 for 9-20-16 Mtg
REVISED Attachment 2 for 9-20-16 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-6 for 9-20-16 Mtg
Attachment B-1 for 9-20-16 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the 9-20-16 Regular September BOE Mtg
Agenda for 9-13-16 BOE Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for the 8-23-16 Regular August Mtg
REVISED Agenda for the 8-16-16 Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting 8-10-16 (was cancelled)
Agenda and Attachments for the 7-26-16 Regular July BOE Mtg
Agenda for the 7-12-16 Work Session
Attachments T-6 through Attachment 7 for 6/28/16 Regular June Mtg
Agenda and Attachments T-1 through T5 for 6-28-16 Regular June Mtg
Agenda for the 6-23-16 Special Meeting
Addendum for the 6-14-16 Work Session
Agenda for the Work Session 6-14-16
Addendum with Attachments for 5-17-16 BOE Mtg
Attachments T-14 and T-14a for 5-17-16 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-1 for 5-17-16 BOE Mtg
Superintendent's Attachments for 5-17-16 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Treasurer's Attachments for 5-17-16 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Work Session 5-10-16
Agenda for the Special Mtg 5-3-16
Agenda for the Special Mtg 4-27-16
Agenda for the Special Mtg 4-25-16
Addendum for 4-19-16 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular Meeting 4-19-16
Agenda for Work Session 4-12-16
Agenda for Special Meeting 4-9-16
Agenda for Special Mtg 3-21-16, if needed
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular March BOE Mtg 3-15-16
Agenda for the March Work Session 3-8-16
Agenda for the Facilities Committee Mtg 3-7-16
Agenda and Attachments for Regular February BOE Mtg. 2-23-16
Agenda for the Work Session 2-16-16
Agenda for Special Meeting 2-1-16
Attachment P for 1-19-16 Regular BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular January Meeting 1-19-16
Agenda and Attachments for the Organizational Mtg and Work Session of 1-12-16
Agenda for Emergency Mtg of the BOE 12-30-2015
Addendum and Attachment for 12-15-15
Agenda and Attachments for Regular December BOE Mtg 12-15-15
Agenda and Attachment for Work Session 12-8-15
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular Nov BOE Mtg 11-24-15
Attachent 1 for 11-17-15 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the 11-3-15 Special Mtg - Attachment will be posted Monday.
Agenda and Attachments for the October 27th Regular Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for Special Mtg 9-22-15
Agenda and Attachments for 9-15-15 BOE Regular Septmeber Mtg
Agenda for 9-8-15 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments of the Regular August BOE mtg 8-18-15
Agenda of the BOE Special Meeting 8-13-15
Agenda of the Work Session/BOE Retreat 8-11-15
Agenda for 8-10-15 Special Mtg of the BOE
Agenda for the 8-4-15 Special Mtg
Addendum for 7-21-15 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-11 for 7-21-15 BOE Mtg
Attachments T-6 and T-9 for 7-21-15 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the 7-21-15 Regular July BOE Mtg
Agenda for the 7-14-15 Work Session
REVISED agenda and REVISED T-9 and missing T-10a for 6-23-15 BOE Mtg
Superintendent's Attachments for 6-23-15 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Treasurer's Attachments for 6-23-15 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Work Session 6-9-15
Special Mtg of the BOE 5-27-15
Attachment T-6 for 5-19-15 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-1 for 5-19-15 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular May Meeting on 5-19-15
Agenda for 5-12-15 BOE Work Session
Agenda for the Special Meeting 5-13-15
Additional pages to Attachment 2 for 4-21-15 BOE mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular April Mtg 4-21-15
Agenda for the Work Session 4-14-15
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular March BOE Mtg 3-17-15
Agenda for the 3-10-15 BOE Work Session
REVISED agenda and attachment for 3-2-15 Special Mtg of the BOE
Attachments B-1 and T-6 for Regular February BOE Mtg 2-17-15
Agenda and Attachments for Regular February BOE Mtg 2-17-15
Agenda for Special Meeting / Work Session 2/14/15
Agenda for Special Meeting / Work Session 2/12/15
Agenda for Special Meeting / Work Session 2/11/15
Agenda for Special Meeting / Work Session on 2/10/2015
Updated Agenda for Special Meeting 2/4/15 - NO ACTION Executive Session - Time and Location Change
Agendas for Special Meetings on 2-2-15 AND 2-3-15 (Executive Sessions-no action)
Agenda for the Special Meeting 1-23-15
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular January Meeting 1-20-15
Agenda and Attachments for Organizational Mtg and Work Session 1-13-15
Agenda and attachments for the Regular meeting 12-16-14
Agenda for the 12-9-14 BOE Work Session/Sp Mtg
Second part of attachments for 11-25-14 BOE Mtg
Agenda and first part of attachments for 11-25-14 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Work Session 11-18-14
Agenda for the Special Mtg 11-5-14 NO ACTION
Agenda for the Special Mtg 11-4-14 NO ACTION
REVISED agenda with attachment for 10-29-14 Special Mtg
Attachment T-12 and T-13 for 10-21-14 BOE mtg
Attachment T-7 for the 10-21-14 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for Regular October Mtg 10-21-14
Agenda for the Work Session 10-14-14
Agenda for Special Meeting 10-2-14
REVISED agenda and attachments for 9-16-14 BOE mtg
Agenda for 9.16.14 BOE Meeting
Agenda for 9-9-14 BOE Mtg
Attachment A-1 for Addendum for 8-19-14 BOE Mtg
Addendum for 8-9-14 BOE Mtg
Attachment 1 for 8-19-14 main agenda
Agenda and Attachments for Regular August Mtg 8-19-14
Agenda and Attachments for 8-12-14 Work Session
Attachment T-11 for the 7-15-14 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-9 for the 7-15-14 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 7-15-14 Regular July BOE Mtg
Addendum to the 7-8-14 BOE Work Session
Agenda for 7-8-14 Work Session/Special Mtg of the BOE
Attachments T-4, T-6, T-6a and T-7 for 6/24/14 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 6-24-14 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 6-17-14 Work Session of the BOE
Attachments T-6 and T-7 from 5-20-14 BOE mtg
Agenda and Attachments for Regular May BOE Mtg 5-20-14
Agenda for the Special Mtg/Work Session 5-13-14
Agenda for the Special Meeting of the BOE 5-7-14
Agenda and Attachments for Regular April BOE Mtg 4-15-14
Agenda for 4-8-14 Work Session/Special Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 3-31-14 Regular March BOE Mtg
Agenda for 3-27-14 Special Meeting
Agenda for 3-11-14 Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular February Mtg on 2-18-14
Agenda for 2-11-14 Work Session/Special Mtg of the BOE
Agenda and Attachments for 1-21-14 BOE Mtg
Attachments A and T-1 for 1-14-14 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachment for the 1-14-14 Organizational Mtg and Special Mtg
Agenda for the 1-13-14 Special Mtg
Agenda and attachment for the 1-7-14 BOE Organizational Meeting
Attachment T-6 and Attachment 2 for 12-17-13 BOE mtg
Agenda and attachments for the Regular December Mtg of the BOE 12-17-13
Agenda for the 12-10-13 Special Mtg/Work Session of the BOE
Agenda and attachments for 11-19-13 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 10-15-13 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Regular BOE Mtg 10-15-13; attachments posted later
Agenda for 10-8-13 BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachments for 9-17-13 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for Regular August BOE Mtg 8-27-13
REVISED Agenda and Attachment for the 8-14-13 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Work Session of 8-14-13
Agenda for the Special Meeting 7-30-13
Agenda and Attachments for the combo BOE mtg 7-9-13; work session followed by regular mtg
Agenda for the Special Mtg July 5, 2013
Agenda for Regular June BOE Mtg 6-25-13
Attachments 1 through 16 for 6-25-13 BOE mtg
Attachments T-1 through T-14 for 6-25-13 BOE mtg
Attachment T-2 for 6-18-13 BOE mtg
Agenda and Attachment for 6-18-13 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-1 for 6-11-13 BOE Mtg
Agenda for BOE Special Mtg 6-11-13
Addendum for 5-21-13 BOE mtg
Work Session/Special Meeting 5-29-13
Attachment T-5 for 5-21-13 BOE mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 5-21-13 Regular May BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 5-14-13 Board Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 5-14-13 Work Session
Agenda for 4-29-13 Special BOE Mtg
Revised Addendum and Second Revision to Attachment 1
Addendum and Revised Attachment 1 for 4-16-13 Regular BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachments for 4-16-13 Regular BOE Mtg
Agenda for 4-10-13 BOE Special Mtg
Agenda for 4-9-13 BOE Work Session
Agenda and attachments for 3-19-13 Regular BOE Mtg
Agenda for 3-12-13 BOE Work Session
Agenda and Attachments for 2-19-13 Regular BOE Mtg
Agenda for 1/28/13 BOE Work Session
Agenda and attachments for 1-15-13 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-2 for 1-8-13 BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachments for Organizational Mtg and Work Session 1-8-13
Agenda and attachments for 12-18-12 BOE Mtg
Agenda for 12-11-12 Special Mtg/Work Session
Agenda and attachments for 11-20-12 BOE Mtg
Agenda for 11-7-12 BOE Work Session
Agenda and attachments for 10-16-12 BOE Mtg
Attachments for BOE Work Session agenda 10-9-12
Agenda for 10-9-12 BOE Work Session
Agenda through Attachment T-5 for 9-18-12 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-6 through Attachment 6 for 9-18-12 BOE Mtg
Agenda for 9-11-2012 BOE Work Session
Attachments T-5 through Attachment 6 for 8-28-12
Agenda and attachments T-1 through T-4 for 8-28-12
Agenda for 8-13-12 work session/special mtg of the BOE (revised)
Agenda and attachments for 7-17-12 BOE mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 7-10-12 BOE Mtg
Supt Attachments for 6-26-12 BOE mtg
Agenda and Treas Attachments for 6-26-12 BOE Mtg
Agenda for Work Session/Sp Mtg of 6-19-12
Attachment T-4 for 6-7-12 BOE mtg
Agenda and attachments for 6-7-2012 Special Mtg
Attachment T-8 for 5-15-12 BOE mtg
Addendum for 5-12-12 BOE mtg
Superintendent's Attachments for 5-15-12 BOE Meeting
Agenda and Treasurer's Attachments for 5-15-12 BOE Meeting
Agenda for the Work Session/Special Mtg of the BOE 5-8-12
Addendum for the 4-24-12 BOE Mtg
Board Agenda for 4/24/12 Emergency/Special Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for Regular April Mtg of the BOE 4-17-12
Agenda for 4/5/12 Emergency Mtg/Special Mtg of the BOE
Agenda for the Work Session/Special Mtg of 4-3-12
Agenda for the April Work Session/Special Mtg
Agenda for Special BOE Meeting of 3-27-12
Agenda and attachments for the 3-20-12 BOE mtg
Agenda for the Work Session/Special Meeting of 3-13-12
Agenda for the Work Session/Special Mtg of the BOE 3-13-12
Agenda for 3-6-2012 Special Meeting
Agenda and Attachments for the 2/21/12 BOE Meeting
Agenda for the 2-14-12 Special Mtg/Work Session of the BOE
Attachment T-1 and REVISED Attachment 1 for BOE mtg of 1-17-12
Agenda and Attachments for BOE mtg 1-17-12
Revised Agenda for 1-10-12 BOE Mtgs (Organizational and Special Mtg/Work Session) w/all Attachments
Attachments for 1-10-12 Board Meeting
Agenda for 1-10-12 Board Meeting
REVISED agenda for 12-13-11 BOE mtg and Attachment B-1
Agenda and Attachments for 12-13-11 BOE Mtg
REVISED Attachment T-6 for 11-22-11 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 11-22-11 BOE Mtg
BOE Special Mtg (Work Session) date and location change to 11-9-11
The BOE mtg originally scheduled for 11-8-11 has been changed to 11-9-11 due to the mens' soccer playoff game
Agenda and Attachments for 10-18-11 BOE Mtg
Agenda and attachment for 10-11-11 BOE Work Session
Attachments T-7 thru 5 for 9-20
Attachment T-6 for BOE mtg of 9-20-2011
Agenda and Attachments T-1 through T-5 for 9-20-11 BOE mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the 9-13-2011 BOE Work Session
Agenda for Special Meeting of the BOE on 9-6-11
Agenda and Attachments for 8-16-2011 BOE Mtg
Agenda for Work Session of 8-9-11
Agenda and Attachments for 7-25-2011 BOE Mtg
Superintendent's Attachments for BOE Regular Meeting 7-19-2011
Agenda and Treasurer's Attachments for 7-19-2011 Regular BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachment for 7-12-2011 BOE Special Mtg (Work Session)
Agenda and Attachment for 7-12-2011 BOE Mtg
Supt's Attachments for 6-28-11 Mtg
More Treasurer's Attachments for 6-28-2011 BOE Mtg
T-4 through T-7 and T-12
Agenda and Treasurer's Attachments for 6-28-11 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for BOE Special Mtg (Work Session) on 7-21-2011
Agenda for Special Meeting of the BOE 6-17-2011
Superintendent's Attachments for 5-17-11 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Treasurer's Attachments for 5-17-11 BOE Mtg
Agenda for Work Session 5-10-2011
Attachment T-1 for 4-26-11
Attachment 1 for 4-26-11
Agenda for BOE Special Mtg 4-26-11 @ 7:30 a.m.
REVISED Agenda and additional attachments for the 4-19-2011 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular Meeting 4-19-2011
Agenda for the special meeting 4-12-2011
Agenda for the Special Meeting 4-4-2011
Agenda for BOE Special Meeting - 3/25/11
Revised Attachment T-5 for 3-15-11 BOE Mtg
Revised Attachment T-4 for 3-15-11 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 3-15-11 BOE Mtg
Agenda for BOE Work Session of 3-8-2011
Revised Attachment T-1 for 2-15-11 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 2-15-2011 BOE Mtg
Agenda for the Work Session February 8, 2011 ....location changed to RMS library due to election
Agenda for Special Meeting 1/25/2011 (Attachments will be available later)
Attachments T-6 and T-7 for 1-18-2011 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular January 2011 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the Regular January 2011 BOE Mtg - note 5:00 start time.
Agenda and Attachments for Organizational Mtg and Special Mtg of 1-11-2011
Agenda and Attachments for BOE Organizational Mtg followed by a Special Mtg of the BOE
Board Agenda and Attachments T1 thru T8, Meeting of 12.14.10
Attachments 1-3 for 12-14-2010 BOE Mtg
Agenda for 12/7/2010 BOE Work Session
Agenda for Special Meeting 12-4-2010
Attachment T-6 for 11-16-10 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-5 for 11-16-10 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 11-16-2010 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-1 for the 11-9-2010 BOE Work Session
REVISED AGENDA w/o Attachment for 11-9-2010 BOE Work Session
Agenda without Attachment for 11-9-10 BOE Mtg
Attachment 1 will be available Tuesday.
Attachment 1 for BOE Mtg of 11-5-10
Agendas (2) Without Attachment for BOE Mtg(s) 11-5-10
Agendas w/o Attachment for 11-5-2010 BOE Mtgs. Second meeting subject to cancellation if it is not needed.
Attachments T-1 and T-6 for 10-19-2010 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for BOE Mtg 10-19-2010 (NOTE: Begins at 5:00 p.m. RHS Library)
Agenda for BOE Work Session 10-12-2010
Attachment T-5 for 9-21-10
Revised Agenda and Attachments for 9-21-10 without T-5
Agenda and Attachments for 9-14-10 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for the 9-21-10 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 9-14-2010 BOE Work Session
Addendum for 8-17-10 BOE Mtg
REVISED agenda and all attachments for 8-17-2010 BOE mtg
Agenda for BOE Mtg 8-10-2010
Agenda and Attachment for BOE Mtg 8-2-2010
Agenda for 7-23-2010 BOE Special Mtg
Superintendent's attachments for 7-20-10 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Treasurer's attachments for 7-20-10 BOE Mtg
Agenda for Work Session 7-13-2010
Agenda for Special Mtg 7-8-2010
Attachment 11 thru Attachment 18 for 6/29/2010 BOE Mtg
ttachment 11 thru Attachment 18 for 6/29/10 BOE Mtg
Attachment T-1 thru Attachment 10 for 6/29/10 BOE Mtg
Attachments T-1 thru Attachment 10 for 6/29/10
Agenda for 6-29-2010 BOE Mtg
Agenda for 6/29/10
Agenda for 6/22/10 BOE Work Session
Agenda for Special BOE Meeting 5-28-10
Attachment T-6 for 5-18-10 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 5/18/10 BOE Meeting
Agenda for 5/11/2010 BOE Mtg
Agenda and Attachments for 4-20-10 BOE Mtg
Agenda for 4-13-10 Work Session
Agenda & Attachments for 3-16-10 BOE Meeting
Agenda for 3-9-10 BOE Work Session
Agenda for 3-9-10 BOE Work Session
Attachment 2 for 2-16-10 BOE Mtg
Attachment 2
Attachment T-6 Part Two for 2-16-10 BOE mtg
Attachment T-6 Part One for 2-16-10
Attachments T-1,2,3,4,5 and 1,2,3 for 2-16-10
REVISED Agenda for 2-16-10 BOE Mtg
Attachment 1 for BOE Mtg of 2-2-10
Agenda for Special Mtg (Work Session) 2-2-2010
Attachment T-1 for Organizational Mtg of 1-12-10
Agendas (2) and Attachments for Organizational Mtg and Regular Mtg on 1-12-2010